This is the sixth installment of Feathers – Tip’s, Trick’s & Common Mistakes, which can be downloaded FREE from
Applying Pressure Away From You Will Roll The Feathers
Inexperienced and even some intermediate tiers have a tendency to use the same amount of thread pressure for every wrap or only apply pressure to the thread away from their body. This causes the materials to roll or shift to the far side of the hook. If you want your materials to stay on top of the hook you need to apply thread pressure up! This pinches the thread against the underside of the hook shank and forces the materials up.
Cover Up the Butts
Once the feathers have been cinched down make four of five tighter wraps to secure. Cover the butts of the feathers where they were cut to create a smooth transition to the shank of the hook.
Download my free eBook by clicking the icon to your right to read the rest of my tip’s, trick’s & common mistakes.
Keep Your Wraps Tight & Feathers Straight