How to Tie The Peppermint Punisher

A while back I tied up and posted a very simple and space baitfish pattern with snook and baby tarpon in mind. This popular little pattern got all kinds of interest and several of you wanted to know what it was called and how to tie it. Since I didn’t have a name for it, I left it up my FB and Instagram pals to pick one out. After 70+ creative recommendations I decided that Alex Beane’s nomination for  “The Peppermint Punisher ” fit the bill.  Here’s what you need to tie a few up for yourself.


Step 1:

Start the thread at the point of the hook and attach a pencil sized bunch of polar fiber.  Pick out the excessively long fibers so the tapered section is approximately 2 1/2 – 3 times the hook length. Read More

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