Essential Permit Patterns

If you have ever tried to catch a permit on fly you are acutely aware that the deck is stacked against you. The notorious crustacean crunchers are nefariously critical of any crab-like offering and this is one of the reasons there are thousands of crab fly patterns existing today. In an effort to narrow the search and increase your success rate, here are step-by-step tying instructions for the Kung Fu Crab, Rag Head Crab, Inverted Merkin Crab, Bottle Cap Crab, and the McCrab.

Over the next few weeks I will give you the basics on the 5 must have pattens for chasing Permit a.k.a “The Black Fin Devils” on fly.  As always, you can stay tuned to this blog each week as I share pieces from my eBook, but for the complete 100 page downloadable pdf. of Essential Permit Patterns, illustrated with ultra-hi resolution  step-by-step instructions, click the link, or icon to download your copy today.  $14.99

If you have questions or other topics in mind you would like explained, feel free to comment or send me an email.

Keep Your Wraps Tight & Feathers Straight


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