This is the second installment of Selecting Natural Materials which can be downloaded from
The quality of the materials is far more important than the quantity. It’s up to you to make sure you are getting the quality of materials you are paying for.
If you have scoured the Internet in hopes of improving your knowledge and understanding of feathers with saltwater patterns in mind, you will find that the vast majority of information is focused on trout flies. There are thousands of “How To Video’s” and countless pattern instructions available, but there just isn’t much info out there about materials specifically focused toward the beginning saltwater fly tier.
The terms “saddle”, “cape” and “neck” all refer to the area on the body where the feathers are located.
For the rest of this entry and the complete Deep Dive in to What To Look For & Avoid When Selecting Hair, Fur & Feathers click the link, or icon to your right and download today.
-35 page downloadable pdf. illustrated
with ultra-hi resolution images