The Buddagrassy Shrimp – Redfish Flies

Pattern by Drei Stroman


What conditions/environment/situation was the fly designed to be fished in?
Being that this fly represents a tasty treat, this fly can be fished in all conditions all year. The best conditions will always be clear calm. I also like it when the waters are a little stirred up.

This shrimp can be fished in many ways, with floating, intermediate or sinking lines. This of course will be based on where you are fishing and for what. You know that the best way to use this fly is to first fish it in shallow waters. This way you can get a better understanding of how to work the fly. Grass and sand flats, pot holes, drop-offs, current and of course structure are my favorite way to fish this fly. I find that fishing with a sinking line in the undercuts of banks with a soft tidal change is great for those fish holding there.

I really like to fish this fly on an intermediate or sinking line in deep cuts and drop-offs during tidal changes when the current is beginning to flow.


This is the fifth installment of  Redfish Flies. To read the rest of the interview, and for the complete step-by-step instructions for tying this redfish fly and 7 more,  download your copy of Redfish Flies at $14.99 or order your Signed Paperback version today ! $24.99 + Shipping.


Has the pattern evolved or changed any over time (Materials, Tying Techniques etc.)?
No, not by much. The two changes are the hook (based on species being fished) and the addition of hollow tubing to aid the antennae from fouling (optional). I am always looking for a material to replace the main body of the fly…why?  I’d like a little tougher material that has a buoyancy factor. This material also needs to be compatible with the glues used for binding the materials together. This will also keep the fly in business longer….ha-ha!



Redfish Flies - Drew ChiconeRedfish Flies - Drew Chicone

This 175 page downloadable pdf. is illustrated with ultra-hi resolution  step-by-step instructions, click the link, or icon to download your copy today.  $14.99  Or order your signed paperback version at $24.99.  Detailed instructions for tying Drew Chicone’s Kung Fu Blue Crab, Capt. Ron Ratliff’s Fiddle Sticks Crab, Capt. Daniel Andrews’s Pine Island Ice Tea, Drei Stroman’s Budagrassy Shrimp, Chris Kincaid’s Rump Shaker, Capt. Joe Costadura’s Grass Monkey, Bill Laminack’s Gulf Shrimp, and Don Reed’s Batman pattern.


If you have questions or other topics in mind you would like explained, feel free to comment or send me an email.

Keep Your Wraps Tight & Feathers Straight!




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